parallax background



Many mineral products are available in the market as a filler. However most of these minerals do not offer extra benefits apart from being a filler.
Natural zeolite mineral's exceptional properties, offer value added products, when used as a filler. It acts more than just a filler, but like a special catalyst or stabilizer ingredient. The absorption capabilities of zeolite enables special features at the final products, like absorbing odors and unwanted gases, inside the product or at its surrounding. The physical and mechanical properties of zeolite give special attributes to the final products, like strength, elasticity, and resistance to especially heat, abrasion and corrosion. At the same, zeolite as a filler can reduce the cost of production by eliminating the need for special agents. It offers an economic advantage over other fillers. It is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly product. It reduces the emission of undesirable substances that emerge during production and and prevents the negative effects on of these substances on human health and environment.


Enables special papers with different porosity and absorbency.


Enables the production of high quality carton. Zeolite added carton can absorb moisture, odors and gases. This is an important benefit especially for the carton packages that are used at the food industry. For example a zeolite added pizza box can offer a more crispy pizza.

PA, PP and PE

Enable plastic / nylon products with special features. For example zeolite added pe bags lengthens the shell life of fruits and vegetables by absorbing ethylene gas. These kind of bags are very popular at the transportation of fruits and vegetables. Rota Mining's specially micronized 25 micron product is an excellent filler for polymer materials.


Reduces the density of the rubber and as a result improves the rigidity. Zeolite added rubber have higher elongation and tensile strength compared to standard rubber

Raw Material

Natural zeolite mineral is the raw material for the production of synthetic zeolites, molecular sieves and special desiccants. Exceptional properties of zeolite can be improved by modification at special facilities.